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CALL US:  208-245-1367


Starting in 2025, we will add new educational raptors to our programs—a Barred Owl, Northern Harrier, Great Gray Owl, a Prairie Falcon and a Bald Eagle. 

Bring live birds of prey to your classroom, event, at your location or conference!

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Raptors are fascinating birds: the silent night-hunting owls, the day-hunting hawks, the fish-eating ospreys, the fast-flying falcons, and the mighty eagles. Birds of Prey Northwest offers educational programs and author visits—including live raptors and/or Janie Veltkamp’s award-winning children’s book Beauty and the Beak and new childrens book Swoop and Soar-for all ages.


Janie talks about how the environment affects raptors, and gives audiences insight into their life cycles and adaptations.

All programs include a life size wingspan banner, where kids and adults can compare their human arm span to the wingspans of a bald eagle and other birds.




To book a program, call us at (208) 582-0797 or email to


Live Bird Program


Media Coverage of a live bird program

Sign up to schedule a live bird program, to be presented at your location.

Fill out your contact information, pick a program you are interested in and submit!

Pick Your Program.
Book Early to guarantee  program rates! 

Once Endangered or Threatened Raptors

Top food chain predators have been particularly endangered, as many focus on favored prey that may contain high levels of pesticides. Learn the history of once endangered species and some of the successful restoration efforts and activities designed to protect them. A Bald Eagle, or Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Barn Owl, and Osprey are presented in this unique program! Priced at $700.

Silent Hunters-All Owls

As predators of the night sky, owls are fascinating birds. No creature is built to hunt like the owl. Much mystery and curiosity surround this silent flier. Encounter a Great Horned Owl, Pygmy Owl, a Barn Owl and a Barred Owl. Learn why it is wise to “give a hoot” about these nocturnal birds of prey. Priced at $450


Fast, Long Wings-All Falcons

Falcons have long been in the minds and eyes of people throughout history. Egyptians called them gods and ancient falconers harnessed their speed and agility for hunting. Study these special speedy raptors as you meet the insect- and rodent-catching American Kestrel, the bird-eating Merlin, the Prairie Falcon, a Gyrfalcon and the fastest animal in the world, the Peregrine Falcon! Priced at $450


*Programs performed at your location outside our local Coeur d’Alene area may incur travel expenses.

Thanks for submitting!

Contact us for an Event List

There may be a Birds of Prey Northwest program happening in your area.  Please download our latest program dates and times!



The Idaho STEM Action Center in partnership with Birds of Prey Northwest is providing the 3D print file (.stl) of Beauty's prosthetic beak, as a free download, to Idaho educational organizations. In addition, we have aligned the Educational Guide to Idaho Standards and provided some great extension activities to enhance the content.


Thank you to Sonia Galaviz for her expertise in customizing the guide for Idaho educators!


You can also visit:

to download the guide and beak file.

Download the 3D file!

Please complete the following information, and you will be able to download the file to 3D print for educational purposes. You must be with a publicly funded organization in order to download and use this form.


If you are not affiliated with an education program located in Idaho or are not publicly funded, we do have items for sale on the Education Page linked here.

Enter Information for Download

Thanks for submitting!


VIsit the Idaho STEM Action Center 
for tools and 3-D resources.


Download the latest Educational Guide
Specific to Idaho STEM Education


Download the latest Educational Guide


Hands-on STEM activities about Beauty’s beak from Museum of Science, Boston​


Download a Preview of the jacket cover for Beauty and the Beak

Download and color a Bald Eagle 

Courtesy of the Cornell Lab Publishing Group

and Cornell Lab of Ornithology.


Classroom Videos

Skype phone call with students from Sioux City, Iowa in Beauty's aviary.

Articles and Documents


Educator's Guide for the book Beauty and the Beak


Engineering Everywhere Make a Bald Eagle Beak


US Fish & Wildlife Service

Bald Eagles


Engineering Notebook


Media Coverage of a live bird program


National Wildlife Federation


Engineering Girl site for the National Academy of Engineering

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